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Happy New Year!

holiday New Year

Happy New Year!

Pinnacle of Wellness wishes Health and Happiness to all in this celebration of a New Year.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

holiday Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

From us here at Pinnacle of Wellness, we wish you a happy, healthy Valentine's Day.

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Enjoy Summer


Enjoy Summer

Remember to stay cool, enjoy your health, and have fun this summer!

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Heavy Metals and Your Body


Heavy Metals and Your Body

Heavy metal toxicity (which can also be called heavy metal poisoning), is a problem millions of people are dealing with in the world today. Many don't even realize it.Heavy metals (and a chronic exposure to them) have their hands in symptoms such as low energy, cognitive changes, and mood disturbances. Heavy metals can show up in contaminated water, dental fillings, or even household products. These heavy metals can penetrate the cells of your many organs and tissues and get stuck in them for years at a time!If you decide to follow a heavy metal detox plan, bare in mind that...

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Wheat Grass

Benefits Wheat Grass

Wheat Grass

Let's talk about Wheat Grass Powder.

More importantly, how can it benefit you?

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